Rockbridge Pieceworkers Quilt Guild
Congratulations to Suzanne N.
for winning this beautiful quilt!
April: Salvage Tote Bag w/ Zosia (Sit-n-Sew)
click on the link below to access the supply list.
Supplies for Selvage Edge bag project.pdf
Bring a bag lunch, or plan to grab something.
May: Pot Holders w/ Katie (Sit-n-Sew)
July: Quilt Documentation & Labels: Gail
August: Share 2025 Challenge Quilt Entries & judge (Sit-n-Sew)
September: Quilt Show at the Horse Center
October: Quilt Retreat
November: Challenge Quilt (Sit-n-Sew)
December: Christmas Party
Give the form to Jacki Rose and she will track your progress.
Market Table
If you have some items to sell, review the Market Rules below and bring them to the guild meeting. Please clearly label the item with your name and price. We ask that you donate at least 10% of the sale price back to the guild in support of our annual Quilt Show.
"UFO Challenge"
Unfinished Objects...
You know, those parts and pieces of a quilt or ...five that you have stashed in a drawer, corner or shelf. Pull them out, list them on the form below and send it back to Susan. Then, Get Busy!!
It feels so good to
finish some of the UFOs.
Colorfast Flower and Leaves
Flowers: Marigolds, Cosmos (darker colors are better), Calendula petals, Impatiens,
Rose (darker colors), Clematis, Petunia, Day Lilies, Nasturtium, Cypress Vine, Hydrangea,
Coreopsis, Sunflower, Phlox or Dame's Rocket, Purple Sage, Black Eyed Susan Vine,
Black Hollyhock, Pincushion flower.and Morning Glory
Leaves: Nasturtium, Parsley, Motherwort, Indigo, Japanese Maple, Dill?,
Coreopsis, Marigold, Cosmos, Smoke Bush-cotinus, anf Fig